Wednesday, December 10, 2014

They write directions

Today everything is given a instruction, Map or Direction. I find it funny how many people go around lost even with a GPS or some giant sign that explains exactly what place is in front of them. I think it might be because the growing idea of A.D.D AND A.D.H.D is just hitting home at every corner. Honestly I find it hard to believe anyone does anything now without be prescribed something. For people like myself I barely like to even drink coffee or take an Aspirin. This makes me think at the moment because I had 3 cups of coffee yesterday. However I also stayed up well past the 24 hour mark with my cousin. I work at night so finding the time to do anything with anyone is rare. However yesterday was a exception cause I was trying to get stuff done I other wise couldn't. Finding time to do anything is also sort of difficult because I work at night.

Imagine for a moment that every Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday your forced to work a 9 hour shift between the hours of 10pm and 7am. You don't make much money "but enough" to support yourself, a dog, a cat, and the person you choose to love "your girlfriend". You have been doing this for about five years now and on the side you try to write. sleep, eat and enjoy whatever time you can with family and friends. Well not so much friends because your really not much of a social person.

This pretty much makes you ME. I have been writing for awhile now and I post mostly on a web site titled "". I figured I would start to write here as sort of a reference for all of that.Something more a public voice on pretty much my doings or undoings "depends on how you look at it". I work with the people of a small town so naturally whatever social stuff I do I pretty much get done at work. When I write I write about stuff I enjoy like comic books, video games, Observations of things around me. Sometimes I try to write about politics and religion but that is often harder to do because I REALLY don't like talking about said things. It's all based on opinion and more often than not people get VERY touchy about said things.

If I think back on things I don't think I have stayed at one place for more then 9 years. I spent a good part of my life living in Brooklyn, NY. Was born in Brooklyn so I often tell people that is the place I am from. However I lived in said part of New York for only so long. Went from Brooklyn, to Staten Island, Back to Brooklyn, to Ocala, Florida, back to Brooklyn, Greenwood Lake "New York", to West Allis Wisconsin, back To Greenwood Lake which is my current Location. I will likely move again in the future but who is to really say?

For the most part all that traveling did was keep me ahead of most things in terms of getting to know people. It's because I have gotten to know people that I can deal with my job. My job currently is just dealing with people and cleaning while most of you are sleeping. The people I deal with aren't normal...well in the respect of the word normal either. Most are stressed, Drunk, Drugged up, or just insomniacs. This is normal I suppose in terms of what people do during the day but at night people just tend to become very self destructive I guess. Might be the lack of sleep?

Either way I don't really know why I am writing any of this crap. It's sort of just something to do while waiting for the bus. Which should arrive in about 15 minutes to take me back home. I am actually Earlier than I expected to be. I was hoping to take the 330 express bus but I finished my shopping early so now I just want to get home. Why do I want to get home?

Well ... hmm.. Girlfriend is sleeping, dog probably doesn't want the attention. Cat might miss me? Regardless I think it has more to do with the carrying of the stupid gifts. Which this year I am pretty happy with how I managed to sort everyone out minus ONE.... won't say the one because .. I will get to her..but ... going to need some thought into that!

So my visit went well really... the only thing that bothered me the entire trip was the fact I had to drop of my Sony Playstation 3 AGAIN to get repaired. I say again because Last Wednesday I picked it up at J & L Video games in midtown from being repaired. I took it home and it lasted all of 5 minutes before a message came up that said it was over heating and had to shut down. This prevented me from using the machine and also caused me to ONCE AGAIN.. take the trip back to the city to ONCE AGAIN.. get it repaired. I tried to ask for a refund but they refused to give me it because THEY INSISTED IT COULD BE REPAIRED...and they would try to fix it for no charge...even thou.. they already charged me for fixing it but they didn't...I wanted to get the money back so I could go buy a new one for just about the same price but I suppose that is what it is..

I will not becoming back to the city till next month because my cousin "whom I stayed with last night" will not even be here for the rest of the month. He is taking a trip to Egypt which honestly I am envious about. It's good to travel and I think more people should do it. It keeps your mind open, your senses sharp, and your actions always new. No Directions....for...traveling...  Well nothing that can be written anyway.. You sort of just have to do it the way it's going to work. Even if you take a bus, or fly or whatever.. Getting to the destination is part of the experience and I think that all the directions in the world aren't going to help you managed that. Book a hotel...plan it...and something can and sometimes does...go wrong..

I am not saying anything is wrong with giving directions just if you can't follow the step by step set your pretty much going to round about everything anyway. what the hell am I talking about anyway?

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