Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Hitting bottom...

This film was made in 1999 based on this book by Chuck Palahniuk called Fight Club "Both the book and film are great!" However I bring that to mind because during a part of that film they show the house of Tyler Durden owns/lives in. He goes on to explain how it's the worst of the worst. Old, dilapidated, Broken and Rusted. He goes on to explain how it's the minimum to living conditions. It had electric but you could only turn on so many things at once. It had water but you could only get so much out of it and most of it wasn't clean.  It even has a funny part that I guess was added to for humor that Tyler is riding a bike around the house. His friend is sitting on a stack of old books just reading random articles about body parts written in the first person point of view.

Anyway I bring this up because I never put the two together but my tiny apartment and that house..really similar! Now before you think anything hear me out for a moment. I have lived in this tiny apartment for 5 years now. It's walls are built of sheet and maybe some insulation depending on what part your looking at.  It has only 3 doors to it.. The Front door, bathroom door, and closet door. The bathroom door doesn't fit the hinges so you can't really close it. I had to put a hook lock on it just to keep it closed from the outside. The closet door fits but really I don't open it much because it's a closet "I store shit in it". The Front door closes but it's probably on it's way out..and the lock is falling part. Short of the front of my apartment the only windows are located in the back end which it has 3 tall windows. All the windows and the front door are covered by window blinds that are old and beat up cause the dog freaks out from sounds she hears outside. They still work but are probably on the way out. Also because I am the only one who dust this house.. the blinds are covered in dust and spider webs. I clean em but not as often as I should and really it doesn't bother me at all. The rug in the house "which I am not allowed to remove because the landlord said so" is old and beat up also. 

About 3 years ago some people moved in upstairs who brought with them bed bugs. Now my apartment doesn't have bed bugs BUT every now and again we do see 1 or 2 show up maybe every 3 weeks. Those people have left the building about 4 months ago but the problems they brought with them didn't leave. I have spoken to the landlord about this but of course he sent in a exterminator who really didn't do much of anything short of spray "which I have done myself with spray which the  landlords purchased".  Also I think it was during the first year ...probably by the end of the first year actually that the ceiling near the front door leak...water... "least I think it's water".

This brings me to today.. about a month or 2 ago NEW FOLKS moved into the apartment upstairs. They are VERY MUCH SO SUBSTANCE ABUSERS.."I know this because I work the job I do and can tell from experience".  Any who.. the bathroom upstairs has started to leak again.. Since 5 this morning "as already posted" I have had to change the plastic buckets that is catching most of "not all" of the water that has been coming down. It is now ... 9:33am ... I have spoken to the landlord and he said he called the plumber but doesn't know the time he/she will arrive.

"I should also note that every time I space here /\ I have changed the bucket of water." So what am I getting at? Well my home isn't that bad but the thought accord to me that the character of Tyler Durden had a point.  It wasn't just a hitting bottom physical thing it was a mental thing. Mental battles we all face every day when the toilet breaks "has happened to me".. the hot water goes out "also happens to me often" or something breaks and so on.  Sometimes the effect of something just tapping on your arm can drive you insane. However that I think was the part that passes on me.

It never dawned on me how bad a life that was for the character "While fictional" it was pretty bad but it does something to you. Makes you come to terms with the fact that most of the stuff you have is really just STUFF.. it's all comfortable but it's all part of what drives us to be happy or sad. Currently I am not happy or sad..just kinda dull to the idea that the water is still leaking. People say great art is created by the tortured.. while I don't think I am at that point.. this is still pretty bad.. maybe even a third world problem. Leaking walls doesn't sound so bad...till it's your wall?

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