Wednesday, March 25, 2015
My First check up in probably 15 years
Thursday, March 19, 2015
keeping to the plan
I also think I might be having panic attacks caused by stress I will call the doctor today! To set up check appointment that is probably over due by ... oh .. I think 10 years..maybe 15..regardless! Need to do that!
Wednesday, March 18, 2015
I haven't written here because I have been writing Kainless comic, and S.London. Currently I am working on the love page I was supposed to have up last Friday. I should start something on music later this week. I also posted some new deviant art work which I am happy with and I have been reading a great deal. So with all that and work it's all writing, writing, and more writing! It's currently Wednesday which is my Monday this week. So hopefully it will all pan out. I am also waiting on my ps4 today which I am excited about. Going to be a good week!
Thursday, March 5, 2015
Seven Years
Those last two years turned out really really good. High School here was everything I wanted it to be because it was nothing like going to School in the city. After High School I didn't pursue any other Education because it cost to much and because I didn't have the focus to deal with it. To this day I question if I have that sort of focus. I am actually smarter then most people I know so really being further educated would only benefit me.
Yet the path I went down was work.. I worked for the current company I am with for two years. After the two years I was supposed to go back to School and live with my brother. That didn't happen because of money issues. Instead I managed to get another job at some peace of shit place on Lexington that I will not write about because they ended up having me TRAIN two other guys to replace me in a single day. IT PISSED ME OFF!
Shortly after that I took it upon myself to get my security license and went look like crazy for more work. I found a couple of spots here and there but nothing that lasted to long. So eventually I meet a girl and moved to Wisconsin to live with her with hopes as well that things would work out. Again..this lasted for a year and half before I had to return here.
I have been working at this job for well over 6 years now. Managed to take over the Night Shift by pure luck and well life experience. I really didn't expect it to last this long but some how it has. Hell it's excelled to the point that I am now a 40 hours full time employee which really is good! It pays for my home, girlfriend, and lifestyle.
I don't know what the next step is. I still have no idea what I want to do. Really I will probably be 50 years old and still have no clue. However I have a concept that paying off my debt is a goal. Going back to a goal. Getting into a better spot is a GOAL.. how it will happen? Only time will tell..
Tuesday, March 3, 2015
Just a normal day
I have been writing a bit here and there. Tonight I might work on the London story for this week.
Also I did start kainless..its amazing to me how much I have gotten done since I bought this tablet!! I should purchased it sooner!! Regardless of all that this week will be a normal week and in have off work tomorrow night and Thursday! I really look forward to it!