Thursday, June 13, 2024


 I haven't used this site in a long time so I figured why not use this for right now instead of ANYWAY!!

The typical work week for me starts on Thursday Night. I work 3 12 hour shifts and typically 7 hours on monday to make up for the breaks times. On average my break times vary from a half hour to 45 minutes depending on if I walk home or not. If I walk home to see my daughter I take 45 minute breaks. If not 30 minutes. So again.. I typically work on average a little over 40 hours every week. 

Thursday Nights I'm in bed by 630pm - 7pm to sleep till about 3am. I set my Alex to go off every Friday, Saturday and Sunday Morning. I don't set it for mondays because those hour can vary and normally don't start until after 1pm earliest 4pm latest. I wake up, take a shower, sit down check some personal e-mail's, and get dressed and walk to work. Walking to work is on average a 9-10 minute walk so normally I'm out the door by 3:50 A.M.

Once I arrive I clock in, and use the Kailburate Gas program to input todays Gas Prices. "Yes it's spelled with a K and normally that just involves me logging in and clicking 10 boxes to update the signs and prices in the computers. I then grab two clipboards. One is set up to count each of the 3 registers we have, and the two safes which must be accounted for before I do anything else. The second Clipboard is for counting Cigarettes which must be counted by hand every single day. Yes I do this by hand counting each and every box and carton of which on average range from 3000 - 4000 packs. 

The first thing I do once I sign in is go to the side safe. The side safe is meant to total all of 500$. This part of the safe everyone who works at the store has access too. It's meant to be used in the event that one of the registers runs out of cash. You swap the money based on the denominations required for each serves.

EXAMPLE: If you run out of singles in a draw. You go to the side safe and place a 20$ dollar swap to get a 20$ bundle of singles. On average the side safe should have 100$ singles, 100$ Fives 100$ Tens, 100$ in Quarters, The rest is varied between Dimes, Nickels, and Pennies hence = 500

The bottom safe is only accessible to management. Which at this point is about 5 people. My boss Kevin, Myself, Managers in training Stephanie, and Charles.  Charles is the only part timer who has access to this safe. That safe include 2650 dollars of varied bills. On average 500$ in quarters, 2 x 25 $ pennies, 250$ dimes, 100$ in Nickels, The bills will vary but in the end it will always "if done correctly" add up to 2650$.

Once this is all counted and written down I'm to sign whomever is on the overnight shift out of Registers 1. At the end of the shift Register 1 accounts for 175 total PLUS The side safe is responsible on it's count. This registers is always signed out with 675$..and started shift with 675$. Now at 3AM the safe automatically resets and prints out a report of every drop being made during the last 24 hours. The daily report is ONE of the papers I will need to review and input into the office computer. 

It's also how we keep track of daily earnings. On average in a day it can vary from on a bad day 5000 - a good day of about 20000 NOT including gas. Once I have signed on to register 1 I continue down the line. I count Register 2 which has 175$ and Register 3 which has 75$

100$ is an estimated number on each register Minus Register 3 because it doesn't have a change machine. Each change machine estimates to about 100 dollars of change, and 75$ in bills which on average are 25 singles, 20 in Fives and 30$ in Tens.

This all can be done in just about the first 25 - 30 minutes of work. Before I arrive the night shifts responsible for using a handheld gun to scan each of the books of Lottery we have. we have two sides with 32 books so in total 64 books. Of course they vary in prices ranges from high priced books at 30$-20$-10$-5$-2$-1$. I take that gun and place in onto a input device in the office and using the PDI system input the information from the day before. This is to be done every day. we keep track of the 24 hours before. 

So if I come in a Friday it's my responsibility to look over Thursdays paperwork. On average I choose to do this on Fridays but sometimes am not required to do it because Kevin comes in at 7am on fridays to assist with the truck "Depending on the week". He wanted Sundays off to go to church so he started working Fridays because of this reason. So it's optional but on average I do 9 out of 10 days because it just makes the day flow better not having to waste time with that information. 

Once I click the input day button I walk away from the computer and go to the Freezer to start breakfast for the morning rush. 

Morning rush consists of several things. First placing the following items on the Roller Grill. 8 French Toast and Sausage rolls, 4 egg and cheese rolls, 4 Supreme Omelet rolls. I also remove from the freezer a 8 pack of breakfast empanadas of which I cook 4 before 5am. On Average we sell them but it really depends on the time of year. It takes about 45 minutes COOK on a roller grill any of those items so I start them early. The Ovens will cook most other food between 3 minutes and 7.

None of this accounts for the time Greeting, and checking people out at any given time. The store is a seasonal one. So in the summer it gets busy and in the Winter it slows down a bit. On average I'm alone from the hours of 430 AM - 630 Am. The store picks up for mornings between 5am - 11am.  A

At 5Am I start the morning brews which consist of One Large Container of Tea that is to brewed ONCE. 3 Large Containers of Ice Coffee which are to be brewed Twice because the settings are to only fill half the containers. The Hot coffee which consist of two Regular pots, One Decaf, One Columbine, One Dark, and One Flavor of the Month. Each of these vary in the number of times they need to be brewed. Once this is done the boxes underneath which is the backstock are also to be filled. Normally they are filled but depending on who does the overnight and who works second shift this can vary from them all being filled to none of them being filled. 

The same can be said about the rest of the stock. Sugars, lids, cups, milk and cream all vary depending on what the second and third shift do. A specific amount of product needs to be displayed at all time. So to make the coffee experience exactly the way each Customer wants. Various sets of sugar, flavor shots, lids, cup sizes, and variations of hot and cold cups.

Newspapers arrive and I sort them into there places also. By this point breakfast is made, Newspapers are placed and the computer has input the information it has. I sign onto the lottery machine and print two reports from it that need to be entered with the paperwork in the office. 

Sales, Cancels and Validations are numbers the Office computer doesn't know. Those number are on the report and are the first thing that must be entered so that we can find out what the variation for the day is.  It's never equal to 0$ on any given report. On average it's either over a few dollars or under a few. Most of the time it plays the balance game of over one day under the next. After entering the number from the Drop report and the Lottery machine the computer will give me that number on if we are over and under. It will also give me a number for lottery numbers, and books sold. Inventory from the day before also needs to be gone over. 

Everything in the store is digital and scanned using a PDI. So if something like oreos gets delivered it must be scanned into the machine using the barcodes on the product and placed into a list for delivery. This is how we keep track of product sales and theft which normally isn't so bad. We also get audited every 3 months. Once all of that is complete it's just keeping up with food and coffee until the second person shows up at 630-7am. 

Once they arrive a pastry cart with three layers of pastries needs to be refilled and placed into the freezer. Also a temperature log has to be filled out every 4 hours from the time of 5am. This log is used to insure all of the products are being kepts at the safe food temperature. At this point I count the cigarettes which takes about 45 - 80 minutes to do depending on the day. The second worker is told to restock water and soda while I remain on register and keep up with the coffee area. 

Things like remembering to restock the cooler, candy, check food dates, clean the bathrooms, the floors, trash both inside and outside, and keeping up with customers are required throughout the day. Each individual is also required to count each registers as they sign on and off them. Everything we have is kept in individual folders which are at the start of the day placed into a single folder with the reports. 4 sheets and the lottery paper work with the safe paperwork are stapled to the front of this folder and left for the Regional manager to go over once every two weeks.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015


So last week I Finally received a phone call from the local police department for a interview about the dispatcher position. I went on the interview and yesterday I handed in my reference sheet which was the last part on my part to do. I have hopes for it but at this point who can really say what will happen. If I manage to the job it will mean I will be working 60 hours a week. It's going to be ruff for the first few months and really it will be a big change but hopefully with the extra money I can do something about my debit problem. Once it's done I things can progress and I will figure out the next step with....everything

Thursday, August 6, 2015

starting the week

So today is Thursday which in terms of work is really my MONDAY. I will be working from Today till next Tuesday morning. However come Tuesday morning I will be heading straight from work to the city! I made plans to go see Fear Factory with my cousin! Should be a good time!!

Currently it is 8:54 a.m. and I am waiting for the bus to show up so I can go to Warwick and get some laundry done for this month! I received several things in the mail including my Comics for this month, the new fear factory cd and a Ghostbuster Lego set which me and the girlfriend managed to put together. It was pretty fun and over all I think it was worth the money! Weather today seems to be going my way... so hopefully the rest of the day pans out to be pretty on track. Least ... I HOPE!

Friday, July 24, 2015

back into the city

So this week I took a trip back into the city to see my cousin during my couple of days off. I left work Wednesday morning and quickly jumped on the bus to it. The bus in the morning is far more comfortable to take then the bus in the evening cause instead of taking 2 hours and half it takes about an hour "maybe a bit over" if you catch the express.

I am very prone to motion sickness so the shorter the time the better. I made plans to come back home yesterday but we sorted things out here and I managed to stay an extra night. I showed my cousin the films "The house of 1000 corpses, and the Devils Rejects". He enjoyed em and I even managed to show him five nights at Freddies which while I am not much of a fan of the series it still holds something interesting in terms of horror and jump scares.

We meet up at about 430pm.. I from the moment I arrived spent a better part of my time walking the city. I hit up both midtown comic shops, Toys R us, and even found a nice bar that had a good bbq sammich! Yesterday my cousin and I waited till about 1130 a.m. to head out and pick up his mother from the airport. From that point we ate some Mexican Food and pretty much just came back here to spend time together.

We drank some wine Wednesday night which was fun enough. Had some deep conversations and are now also making plans to spend a week off probably just to have the week off to joke around and do what we do. Today I will be returning home with my mother who is supposed to be coming this morning to drop off my grandmother here.

The plan is to catch either the 3 pm express back home or one sooner... My mother tends to not like spending to much in the city.. Either way it will be a fun day!

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Time off

So the next couple of days I have off.. I should go do laundry..and I probably am.. but currently I am pretty pissed off for reasons I won't get into. I am going to write some more ...later today...PROBABLY ALOT MORE..but for now..just wanted to write something..

Tuesday, June 2, 2015


I can't stand bullshit stories. I hear em all the time AND I often think ..."Do you really believe in half the shit you say?". <- Not really directed at anyone but I know people who are so in tune with bullshit stories that I have to question if that person or persons believe in it? I mean what I write here is really free speech on everything I write about. I don't re read any of this and it has a ton of problems with it's writing but none of it do I consider bullshit. Bullshit to me is defined by how much truth is inside what is being said. You can't just call yourself a dove if you're actually a fucking cat. I don't know..this is really just random... and ...blah

Friday, May 1, 2015


It's difficult to work a night job and function during the day. Over time I have gotten better at doing it but some times the mind and the body just get so tired that really it's just hard to pull myself out of bed let alone walking to work and doing the job. Today was one of those days that I came home "planned to do stuff" but couldn't pull myself to do anything. I was just tired and had a headache. In a bit I will take a shower and get ready for work.

Who knows how much I will get done tonight. Hopefully something will push me past this weakened state of mind. Maybe some Coffee?.. Either way I have shit to do tomorrow that MUST BE done. Sunday will be a good rest day and Monday will follow suit to me doing Laundry and getting ready to pick up my girlfriend on Tuesday.

Weekend hasn't even started yet... but I feel like it's going to be a longgggggggggggg weekend.. My mind just isn't in it at all. One hell of away to start MAY! Happy Beltane everyone.